
Our Journey
          will be This

The journey we are going to take together to build your Dream
 Know Each Other
We will meet each other in person or video conference and get to know each other. We will get to know the details of project, website goals and insights into what you do and how it matters to you, what impacts it has on target Audience.
Research And Brand Development
I will do a competitive analysis on the target audience of your product. Finding their frustrations, motivations and aispirations will help me create an overall Brand Strategy. It will  help better understand your customers, and  create deep relationships that inspire and impact them
Finding Ideations
I create structure of website, color solutions , graphic, compositional and typographic solutions, as well as find the example websites for further discussion
First Step
I create the 3 design ideas for the website and you choose which you find closest to your heart. I also take your feedback on the various solutions and get back. If its a large website I keep on sharing the Design prototype on Figma with you.
Experience Design
I will think about the overall design that creates trust and gain Sales. I keep on sharing the intermediate results with you. I  will create a video presentation explaining the choosen solution
Launch Website on Webflow
I transfer the approved layout to Webflow, add cool animations, adapt it to various cool gadgets and forms
Set Up SEO
I set up basic SEO for search engines to find your website and show it to the searchers
Launch Website and stay in touch
After the launch i give access to all the webflow resouces, a training and a video presentation for further independent work. We will stay in tpuch for any doubt or questions